Out Now: The Damage Manual by Tom Leins

“I’m sitting in a swivel chair that is still greasy from its previous occupant, staring out of a small window that overlooks the back yard of the North Atlantic Video Lounge. Two Cantonese men are unloading soggy-looking cardboard boxes in preparation for one of Barry Balthazar’s notorious ‘Sunday Suppers’. Worryingly, it is only Thursday.”

I’m excited to reveal that my new book, The Damage Manual, is out today!

It’s a brutal selection of Joe Rey case files that have never previously been collected in print. Regular readers may recognise a few of the pieces, but there are also some rarities in the mix.

I’m happy to say that it is available in both e-book and paperback formats.

Here’s the synopsis:

Fresh out of prison and desperate to redeem himself, disgraced private investigator Joe Rey retreats to his shabby office and awaits his fate. Deranged clients with sordid agendas are his stock-in-trade, and there is very little that Rey won’t do for money.
He is immediately plunged back into Paignton’s sordid underbelly, where he goes toe-to-toe with molesters, miscreants, maniacs and malcontents. Each case is more unhinged than the last, and his new-found enemies start to take on a hellish quality.
Who knows: if he can save enough people, maybe Rey can even save himself?
THE DAMAGE MANUAL is a brand new set of Paignton Noir case files from Tom Leins, the author of the cult collections MEAT BUBBLES & OTHER STORIES, TEN PINTS OF BLOOD and SHARP KNIVES & LOUD GUNS.

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If you want to find out more feel free to drop me a line. (Interview requests are also welcome!)