Joe Rey: Growing Old Disgracefully

“The sea looks grey and inhospitable, as breakers hit the beach, frothing and fading on the dark sand. Somewhere across town a prowl car siren wails. At least someone is having a worse fucking day than us.”

The new cover of Slop Shop helped to shift a few units last month, so I thought I’d overhaul a couple more of my least favourite e-book covers: Slab Rats and Skeleton Crew.

Looking at them side by side, I like the way Slab Rats depicts a young, lean 20-something Joe Rey and Skeleton Crew depicts a grizzled 40-something ex-con Rey, complete with scruffy beard and prison muscle!

As regular readers will know, there are a few key (oft-referenced) Joe Rey storylines that haven’t actually made it into print yet, so I’m aiming to fill in the blanks this year. Watch this space!

In the meantime, you can check out the new e-book covers here (UK) and here (US).

(Note: if you bought them the first time round, the covers should automatically update on your Kindle.)