New Interview @ Unlawful Acts

“I can assure you that my next book, ‘Repetition Kills You’ represents a nervous step towards the light – a bit like a captive stumbling out of a sex dungeon, I suppose…”

This week David Nemeth interviewed me as part of his ‘Suspect’s Viewpoint’ Q&A series over at Unlawful Acts. We discussed Paignton Noir, my murky historical fiction project Pig Alley and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Check it out!

David recently went toe-to-toe with Meat Bubbles and survived. Here is what he had to say.

Meat Bubbles @ Unlawful Acts

“The hard-boiled edge of Mickey Spillane’s ‘I, the Jury’ and the drug-infused rantings of William S. Burroughs’s ‘Naked Lunch’ fused together in a whiskey-soaked opiate haze.”

David Nemeth, Unlawful Acts on Meat Bubbles & Other Stories

I felt downright queasy reading David Nemeth’s review of Meat Bubbles – and I was the one who wrote the damned book!

Unlawful Acts is a must-read crime blog, and David’s passion for independent crime fiction is infectious. I’m very happy that he crawled back into the Paignton Noir wasteland after going toe-to-toe with series opener Skull Meat last year.

I would like to tell you that I will never write another book as extreme as Meat Bubbles, but then I cast an eye over my works-in-progress and I’m not so sure!

My next book, Repetition Kills You (out in September from All Due Respect) dials down the darkness a notch. Hell, there’s even a love story in there… kind of. Suffocated beneath meaty slabs of suburban savagery!

Snuff Racket @ Unlawful Acts

My new e-book SNUFF RACKET was given the Unlawful Acts treatment by top US crime reviewer David Nemeth last week.

He said: “There’s noir and then there’s Paignton Noir. If you have never heard of this type of noir before that’s okay Tom Leins invented it. Leins takes a tourist town on the southwest coast of England and turns it into a cross between Boston’s Combat Zone and San Francisco’s Tenderloin where killers, pornographers, pedophiles, gamblers, and drug addicts are the everyday people in the streets and bars.”

Check out the full review hereand make sure you take a look around David’s site. He has tipped me off about some great books over the last year.